By Benescke Janse van Rensburg

After Friday's piece about "listening prayer", several readers responded. Some of the most common questions were: "How can I know that God speaks to me? How do I test what I hear against the Word? Does He really speak to all of us?" Because the core of our faith involves a relationship with God, I want to end off this series where I started by again writing about Moses' story.

At the foot of Mount Sinai, Aaron and the leaders of Israel stood shocked as they watched Moses approach them. He had been in the presence of God for 40 days on top of the mountain. Besides carrying the two stone tablets with the laws of God for Israel written upon it, his face was lit up like the sun - a visible sign he spent time in the presence of God.

In front of the burning bush in the desert years before this day, Moses, unsure of his future, asked in fear who he must say sent him if Pharaoh was to ask. God replied, "I AM WHO I AM." This time, Moses was confident. He knew his Maker. He knew his God. He knew I AM.

In Egypt, in front of the Pharaoh's throne, Moses experienced God as PROTECTOR who never abandoned him. At the Red Sea, with their backs against the wall, Moses and the people of Israel experienced God as a WONDER-WORKING GOD when He made a path through the water. At the foot of Mount Sinai, the Israelites experienced God's HOLINESS and POWER when He spoke to them with thunder and the sound of the trumpet. However, when the people fell away and worshiped the golden calf, they got to know God as a JUST JUDGE. He was about to destroy them. Moses, however, pleaded with God for a second chance for the people. When He listened and spared their lives, Moses saw Him as the GRACIOUS God He is.

In Exodus 33:11 we read, "So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Also in Exodus 34: 6-7, God describes himself as: “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” And in James 4: 8, we read: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts . . ."

Who is God to you? Do you see Him as an angry, unjust God or have you experienced Him as a merciful God that shows infinite love? Remember, He desires to have a relationship with us and speaks to us daily. If you wonder if what you hear is truly from Him speaking, measure it against the Word to see if it is consistent with His character. He never changes. Moses' face was lit up when he came out of God's presence. He was changed.

Can people around you see that you spent time in His presence without you having to say a word? Do you live differently? Do you shine His light towards others? How amazing will it be to preach the gospel without ever having to say a word - but people would know you have been with Him. God bless.

Father God, thank You for your loving and grace. Please help me to hear your voice clearly. I desire a more intimate relationship with you now, more than ever before.

Assignment: At the beginning of the month, I suggested that we take out a pen and paper and write down the characteristics of God that stands out to us. Do it again. Who is He to you? Look at the list and thank Him, for He never changes.

FEEDBACK: Please give feedback on the series to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Benescke