Xanthe Hancox

By the word of the Lord a man of God came from Judah to Bethel, as Jeroboam was standing by the altar to make an offering. By the word of the Lord he cried out against the altar…  1 Kings 13:1-2a

This chapter opens with the inauguration of King Jeroboam’s first great religious feast. The king mounted the altar platform to offer sacrifices to the golden calves he built (1 Kings 12:28). As he stood before a vast assembly of people, the golden calves glistening in the sunlight, a man of God from the kingdom of Judah suddenly made his way to the front of the crowd where he powerfully delivered a message from God.

We do not know who this man was, but his message is recorded for us. He spoke against the Bethel altar and predicted that a prince of the rival of the house of David, Josiah by name, would one day burn the bones of Jeroboam’s priests upon it. Jeroboam didn’t like what he was hearing, and as he pointed to the messenger and ordered him to be seized, God caused the king’s arm to be dried up. When he asked the messenger to restore his arm, God graciously made the arm well again.

Sometimes we meet eloquent people with brilliant arguments and we’re tempted to go along with what they’re saying. I hope you’ll be encouraged to follow the example of the unnamed messenger. While many in the large crowd knew that their worship was wrong, only one man, at the risk of his own life, boldly stood up and confronted the king. No matter who comes to challenge us, we need to obey what God has said in his Word. It doesn't matter how well respected or spiritual the person is, we need to stay true to the Bible. God gives us many opportunities at school, with friends, family, or at work to be the lone voice that speaks up for Christ; may we take these with boldness and zeal.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, there is no greater delight than to worship you as our sovereign Creator and Saviour. Give us boldness to worship you and trust what you have spoken when everyone around us scorns you. Amen