Imogen Campbell
Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring – those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.  Revelation 12:17, NIV
Are you still wondering why there is no peace on earth? It is because an enraged dragon is running around furious at Christians and anyone who wants to obey the Lord. Peace-loving, he is certainly not.
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." (1 Peter 5:8-9)
Whether we like it or not, we have an enemy. He is vile and utterly despicable. He gave up his place in heaven and now wants to drag the rest of us to hell with him, along with the fallen celestial beings. And he will stop at nothing to do that, not even offend God time and again. And we wonder why God threw him out of heaven?
God was having none of it. And He was not willing to compromise his holiness to accommodate Satan’s distinct lack of it. The God we serve is also a God who knows his boundaries and what is acceptable. He is also secure enough not to pander to any man or fallen angel. He is God and we, as creation and created beings, play according to His rules. End of story!
The day that you made the good confession that “Jesus is Lord” before witnesses, starting this Christian journey; you became the devil’s newest enemy. And he has a mighty army working round the clock to get you to distrust your God, run after sin and steal you away.
Jesus was led into the wilderness and was thoroughly tested. In like manner, we cannot escape the wiles of the devil. And we cannot outwit him on our own. We are going to need seasoned commandoes and fellow soldiers in God’s army of Christians to help us fight the battle for the ages.
It is terrifying to say the least. We are all called to fight. Satan is going to come for your relationships, family, friends and everything that matters to you. He is going to try to fill their hearts with the ways of the world, and then try to deceive, hate and hurt them.
Are you going to sit idly by and watch him make hit after hit? Or are you going to take up your armour of God and give as good as it gets?
Prayer: We praise you, Father God, for standing firm and saving us from the original public enemy number one. Thank you that we can know the true shalom found in you, Lord. Amen